3.2. What model (in NEHEMIAH) does GOD give for leaders (Part 3)

I will reproduce leaders of 12

2 What model (in NEHEMIAH) does GOD give for leaders (Part 2)

6) He deals with discouragements from within  Nehemiah 4, 5

  • encouraging negative people  Nehemiah 4:10,14
  • meeting financial needs Nehemiah 5:1-5
  • rebuking exploiters  Nehemiah 5:8

7) He motivates by personal example

  • his reverence for GOD  Nehemiah 5:15(b)
  • his financial integrity  Nehemiah 5:14,15
  • his generosity  Nehemiah 5:17

8) He leads his people to accomplish the goal  Nehemiah 6:15

  • He appoints leaders to consolidate his goal  Nehemiah 7:2

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