4.4. How to be Equipped? Part 2

4 How to be Equipped? Part 2

4 My Sword of the Spirit

a) like Solomon’s bodyguards (they all held swords, are expert in war) Song of Songs 3:8

b) I know and handle the Word well

c) How?  

  • hear
  • read 
  • study
  • memorise
  • mediate on the Word

5 My Shield of Faith

a) like soldiers with interlocking shields, I march like a solid wall, into the enemy.

b) my weapon for break-through eg. prayer of faith (combining faith)

  • to neutralise Satan’s fiery darts

c) How does Satan attack our faith?  

How do I equip myself with going-on faith?

6 My Shoes of the Gospel

a) my message of peace

b) victory only attained in combat

  • witnessing with the gospel is combat (to set prisoners free)

c) How?

  • Pre-Encounter; IGNITE, 
  • my testimony, Gospel bridge

7 My Prayer Intercession

a) God answers when I stand in the gap pray and be alert  Ephesians 6:18 (detect Satan at work)

b) How?

  • Triplet prayer 
  • daily 5 items
  • pray through Values 
  • pray for boldness to speak

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