3.1. I submit myself under authority

I am submitted to spiritual Authority when…

1 I submit myself under authority  

a) I accept GOD’s authority structures over me. Matthew 8:9  

(church, family, government, social)

  • submission = to rank myself under, give honor to.
  • encounter with unreasonable authority. (David, though rejected by King Saul yet called him, “my lord my king!”) 1 Samuel 24:8

b) I see beyond personality and honor position.  

  • because GOD’s authority on men in authority. Romans 13:1
  • [David did not throw spear (1 Samuel 19:10), or dare touch the Lord’s anointed ruler (1 Samuel 24:6-7,12-13; 26:10-11)]

c) I do not compare or avenge myself.

 (Others praised David over king Saul) 1 Samuel 18:7, 14

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