4.3. Benefits to be Equipped

3 Benefits to be Equipped

Paul’s example: Paul dedicated his busy schedule

a. to preach to many but focused on recruiting disciples

  • preached and won a large number of disciples  Acts 14:21

- leaders raised at Lystra  Acts 14:22

- Timothy recruited at Lystra  Acts 16:1

  • result: churches strengthened  Acts 16:5

b. to equip 12 Ephesian disciples for 2 years  Acts 19:7

  • result:

i) Asia minor heard the gospel Acts 19:10

ii) Jesus’ Name highly honoured  Acts 19:17

c. How did Paul do it?

  • Acts 14:22

— preached to large numbers at Lystra

— strengthened the disciples

— appointed leaders

  • His strategy: he began with available and faithful men

Acts 16:1 — at Lystra, recruited Timothy

Acts 16:4 — travelled together

Acts 16:5 — churches strengthened and grew daily

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