The Freedom In Christ will focus on firstly establishing the sure foundation of our identity based on Jesus, where we also be equip with the tools to break free and stay free from all that holds us back, along with a strategy for
ongoing transformation.
The end in mind in
this transformation is that we will be fruitful in
making disciples.
Example Curriculum
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- 1. Introduction to FIC 基督里得自由简介 (10:03)
- 2. Key Verse 关键经文 (1:25)
- 3. Introduction 引言 (16:11)
- 4.1. History Confirms The Bible 历史证实了圣经 (5:53)
- 4.2. What The Bible Said Would Happen Did Happen 圣经上说会发生的事情确实发生了 (4:49)
- 4.3. The Bible’s Claim That Jesus Rose From The Dead is Credible 圣经声称耶稣从死里复活是可信的 (9:50)
- 4.4. The Church Has Never Stopped Growing 教会从未停止发展 (2:24)
- 4.5. The Truths In The Bible Change Lives Today 圣经中的真理改变了今天的生命 (10:16)
- 5. Prayer 祷告 (6:13)
- 6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:35)
Available in
after you enroll
- 1. Review 复习 (2:06)
- 2. Introduction 引言 (Olivia Ong’s Testimony ) (8:26)
- 3.1. We are not Defined by What others say we are 别人不能定义我是谁? (5:18)
- 3.2. MY IDENTITY IS IN WHO GOD SAYS I AM 我的身份是神所定义的 (7:39)
- 3.3. A Saint- Not A Sinner 圣人不是罪人 (10:37)
- 3.4. Remember Who We Are In Christ 记得你在基督里的身份 (5:34)
- 4. Prayer 祷告 (4:55)
- 5. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (1:10)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- 1. Introduction 引言 (3:50)
- 2. Key Verse 关键经文 (0:52)
- 3. Outline 提要 (0:37)
- 4.1.1. What is “the world”? 世界是什么? (0:52)
- How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 1 (13:09)
- How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 2 (13:37)
- How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 3 (3:25)
- 4.2.1. Truth does exist: Biblical Worldview 真理是存在的:圣经的世界观 (2:58)
- 4.2.2. What is our worldview? 了解我们的世界观 (3:43)
- 4.2.3. Align our worldview with God's Truth 靠神的真理来调整我们的世界观 (3:47)
- 5. PRAY 祷告 (1:35)
- 6. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (0:48)
Available in
after you enroll
- 1. Introduction 引言 (13:59)
- 2. Key Verse 关键经文 (3:19)
- 3.1. Isn’t that what I will receive? 那不是我已经领受的吗? (3:50)
- 3.2. Some things did not change… 有些事情没有改变...... (9:24)
- 3.3. Activating the Power 激活能力 (2:07)
- 3.3.1. Deception 蒙蔽 (7:50)
- 3.3.2. Not Taking Responsibility for your Life 不为你的生命负责 (8:15)
- 3.3.3. Unresolved Conflicts 未解决的冲突 (6:56)
- 4. PRAY 祷告 (7:14)
- 5. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (1:30)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- 1. Introduction 引言 (17:46)
- 2. Outline, Key Verse & Objectives 大纲、关键经文和目标 (4:35)
- 3.1.1. Success Comes From Having The Right Goals 成功来自有正确的目标 (11:08)
- 3.1.2. Significance Comes From Proper Use Of Time 价值来自善用时间 (6:42)
- 3.1.3. Fulfilment Comes From Serving Others 成就感从服事别人而来 (6:54)
- 3.1.4. Satisfaction Comes From Living A Quality Life 满足感来自於过有品质的生活 (3:05)
- 3.1.5. Happiness Comes From Wanting What We Have 幸福来自於珍惜我们所拥有的 (5:45)
- 3.1.6. Fun Comes From Enjoying Life Moment-By-Moment 乐趣来自於享受生活中的每时每刻 (3:26)
- 3.1.7. Security Comes From Focusing On Eternal Values 安全感来自於专注于永恒的价值观 (3:03)
- 3.1.8. Peace Comes From Quieting The Inner Storm 平安来自於平伏内心的风暴 (3:58)
- 3.2. Our Difficulties helps us toward the Goal 我们的困难帮助我们实现目标 (5:02)
- 3.3. God’s Guidelines for the Walk of Faith 上帝的信心之路指南 (0:34)
- 4. Prayer 祷告 (8:05)
- 5. Small group discussion 小组讨论 (0:46)
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