BCT Core Values 恩慈价值观
Biblical Values of God’s Kingdom 神国度的圣经价值观
Core values provide a life raft to protect you from the storms and stresses you encounter. They take you out of the chaos and bring you into a state of flow, a frame of mind where you become energized and completely focused on the present. Flow is the place that happiness is attained, creativity is enhanced, performance is heightened and innovation is imminent.
Explore 12 BCT Core Values: VCDS ARE GREAT
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Course Curriculum
Lesson 1: Making our Core Values Effectual 使我们的核心价值观有效
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after you enroll
Start1.Introduction 前言 (10:22)
Start2. Three Importances of Core Value 核心价值的三个重要性 (12:17)
Start3.1. Align With Jesus’ Heartbeat 与耶稣的心意对齐 - My (true) identity 我的身份 (19:20)
Start3.2. Align With Jesus’ Heartbeat 与耶稣的心意对齐 - My Vision 我的异象 (6:06)
Start4.1. Effect daily transformation into Jesus’ Likeness 每日有效的转变成耶稣的形像? (15:50)
Lesson 2: I am caught by the vision (to be fruitful) 我让异象掌管(多结果子)
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after you enroll
Start1. Review 复习 (6:44)
Start2. Video: Raising Spiritual Generations of Disciples (17:00)
Start3. Key Verse 关键经文 (2 Corinthians 4:7 哥林多后书 4:7) (6:20)
Start4.Introduction 前言 (3:42)
Start5.1. Understand the Birth of the Vision 了解异象的诞生 (15:31)
Start5.2. Treasure the Vision through Living out 通过活出珍惜异象 (12:47)
Start5.3. Fulfil the Vision through Transmitting 通过传递实现异象 (4:32)
Start6. Prayer 祷告 (6:08)
Start7. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:25)
Lesson 3: I Am Committed to Cell Life 委身于细胞小组生命
Available in
after you enroll
Start1. Review 复习 (13:02)
Start2. Video: Power of Cell life (10:30)
Start3. Key verse & Introduction 关键经文 & 前言 (3:05)
Start4.1. I Am Committed to Make Sure my Election 我致力于 确保我的拣选坚定不移 (8:34)
Start4.2. I Am Committed to Function in Body life 我致力于 在全体生活中发挥作用 (4:42)
Start4.3. I Am Committed to Purpose through Cell life 我致力于 通过细胞小组生命实现目标 (5:43)
Start5. Prayer 祷告 (4:52)
Start6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:34)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.