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Freedom in Christ 在基督裡得自由
Session 1: Why believe the Bible? 为什么相信圣经?
1. Introduction to FIC 基督里得自由简介 (10:03)
2. Key Verse 关键经文 (1:25)
3. Introduction 引言 (16:11)
4.1. History Confirms The Bible 历史证实了圣经 (5:53)
4.2. What The Bible Said Would Happen Did Happen 圣经上说会发生的事情确实发生了 (4:49)
4.3. The Bible’s Claim That Jesus Rose From The Dead is Credible 圣经声称耶稣从死里复活是可信的 (9:50)
4.4. The Church Has Never Stopped Growing 教会从未停止发展 (2:24)
4.5. The Truths In The Bible Change Lives Today 圣经中的真理改变了今天的生命 (10:16)
5. Prayer 祷告 (6:13)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:35)
Session 2: Who am I? 我是谁?
1. Review 复习 (2:06)
2. Introduction 引言 (Olivia Ong’s Testimony ) (8:26)
3.1. We are not Defined by What others say we are 别人不能定义我是谁? (5:18)
3.2. MY IDENTITY IS IN WHO GOD SAYS I AM 我的身份是神所定义的 (7:39)
3.3. A Saint- Not A Sinner 圣人不是罪人 (10:37)
3.4. Remember Who We Are In Christ 记得你在基督里的身份 (5:34)
4. Prayer 祷告 (4:55)
5. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (1:10)
Session 3: Choosing to believe the truth 选择相信真相吗
1. Review 复习 & Key Verse 关键经文 (2:47)
2. Testimony 见证 (6:03)
3.1. What is Faith? 什么是信心? (28:38)
3.2. How does Faith grow? 信心是如何成长的? (8:04)
3.3. Twenty “Cans” of Success 二十个“能够”的成功 (10:12)
4. Closing Prayer 祈祷 (1:55)
5. Group Discussion 小组讨论 (1:35)
Session 4: The World's View of Truth 世界对真理的看法
1. Introduction 引言 (3:50)
2. Key Verse 关键经文 (0:52)
3. Outline 提要 (0:37)
4.1.1. What is “the world”? 世界是什么? (0:52) How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 1 (13:09) How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 2 (13:37) How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 3 (3:25)
4.2.1. Truth does exist: Biblical Worldview 真理是存在的:圣经的世界观 (2:58)
4.2.2. What is our worldview? 了解我们的世界观 (3:43)
4.2.3. Align our worldview with God's Truth 靠神的真理来调整我们的世界观 (3:47)
5. PRAY 祷告 (1:35)
6. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (0:48)
Session 5: Our Daily Choice 我们的日常选择
1. Introduction 引言 (13:59)
2. Key Verse 关键经文 (3:19)
3.1. Isn’t that what I will receive? 那不是我已经领受的吗? (3:50)
3.2. Some things did not change… 有些事情没有改变...... (9:24)
3.3. Activating the Power 激活能力 (2:07)
3.3.1. Deception 蒙蔽 (7:50)
3.3.2. Not Taking Responsibility for your Life 不为你的生命负责 (8:15)
3.3.3. Unresolved Conflicts 未解决的冲突 (6:56)
4. PRAY 祷告 (7:14)
5. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (1:30)
Session 6: The Battle For Our Minds 心思的争战
1. Key Verse 关键经文 & Introduction 引言 (11:50)
2.1. Who is Satan 撒旦是谁 (15:37)
2.2. How Satan works 撒旦如何运作 (27:21)
2.3. Our Defense 我们的防御 (4:45)
3. PRAY 祷告 (4:08)
4. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (1:10)
Session 7: Handling Emotions Well 妥善管理情绪
1. Key Verse 关键经文 & Introduction 引言 (8:52)
2.1. What do we know about emotions? 我们对情绪了解多少? (16:57)
2.2. How Emotions affect us 情绪怎样影响我们 (12:41)
2.3. Emotional Health 情绪健康 (14:02)
3. Closing Prayer 结束祷告 (6:56)
4. Small group discussion 小组讨论 (1:05)
Session 8: Forgiving From The Heart 发自内心的饶恕
1. Prayer 祷告 & Key Verse 关键经文 (12:56)
2. Objective 目标 & Introduction 引言 (10:22)
3.1. Why forgive? 饶恕的必要 (26:01)
3.2. What Forgiveness Is And Isn’t?何谓饶恕 (9:07)
3.3. How To Forgiveness ?饶恕的步骤 (11:10)
4. Conclusion 总结 (9:13)
5. Small group discussion 小组讨论 (1:02)
Session 9: Renewing The Mind 心意思想更新
1. Revision 复习 (4:00)
2.Introduction 引言 (4:59)
3.1. Why we NEED to renew our Mind daily ? 为什么我们需要每天更新我们的思想?? (6:25)
3.2. What is Stronghold ? 什么是 属灵堡垒? (12:38)
3.3. How to Demolish Stronghold ? 如何拆除属灵堡垒? (20:37)
4. Prayer 祷告 & Small group discussion 小组讨论 (11:49)
Session 10: Relating To Others 与他人相处
1. Introduction 引言 (2:41)
2. God’s idea 上帝的想法 (4:40)
3. Our relationship with God 我们与上帝的关系 (4:23)
4. Our role 我们的角色 (10:12)
5. Our response 我们的回应 (8:12)
6. Summary 总结 & Prayer 祷告 & Reflection & discussion 反思和讨论 (5:11)
Session 11: The Road Ahead 你朝何外走
1. Introduction 引言 (17:46)
2. Outline, Key Verse & Objectives 大纲、关键经文和目标 (4:35)
3.1.1. Success Comes From Having The Right Goals 成功来自有正确的目标 (11:08)
3.1.2. Significance Comes From Proper Use Of Time 价值来自善用时间 (6:42)
3.1.3. Fulfilment Comes From Serving Others 成就感从服事别人而来 (6:54)
3.1.4. Satisfaction Comes From Living A Quality Life 满足感来自於过有品质的生活 (3:05)
3.1.5. Happiness Comes From Wanting What We Have 幸福来自於珍惜我们所拥有的 (5:45)
3.1.6. Fun Comes From Enjoying Life Moment-By-Moment 乐趣来自於享受生活中的每时每刻 (3:26)
3.1.7. Security Comes From Focusing On Eternal Values 安全感来自於专注于永恒的价值观 (3:03)
3.1.8. Peace Comes From Quieting The Inner Storm 平安来自於平伏内心的风暴 (3:58)
3.2. Our Difficulties helps us toward the Goal 我们的困难帮助我们实现目标 (5:02)
3.3. God’s Guidelines for the Walk of Faith 上帝的信心之路指南 (0:34)
4. Prayer 祷告 (8:05)
5. Small group discussion 小组讨论 (0:46)
Teach online with How does the world divert us from God‘s Truth? 世界的三项战术转移我们信靠神的真理 - Tactic 2
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