His Strength

Theme : Lessons on Christian Living: Chapter 2 His Strength              

Topic  :  His Strength 

Key Verse  :  Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


1.Why do we need strength from the Lord? 

It is a promise from God for us to perfect our weakness and to enable us to live victoriously.

Strength in the Lord:

i. Empowers ordinary people to accomplish great things for Him Judges 6:14-16

ii. Turns setbacks (defeat, discouragement, condemnation) into victory 1 Sam 30:1-6

iii. Overcomes battles against the devil – temptations, crisis Genesis 39:7-10

iv. Builds up faith in the inner man to a Christ-like character Genesis 40:14, 23

2. Why are we not tapping on strength from the Lord? 

  • Disregard (Do you not know?) Isaiah 40:28
  • Due to Ignorance
  • Despair (Complain….my way is hidden… my cause is disregarded…) Isaiah 40:27
  • Looking down on my problem with fear and discouragement 
  • Deceived (Self-dependence) (Has it not been told you … why do you say…) Isaiah 40:21,27; Psalm 33:16-20
  • Doubting God as we look at others who do better than us  Psalm 37:7-11
  • Drifting away from God as pride sets in after initial success Proverbs 14:12

Result: Curse and doom to failure Jeremiah 17:5

3.How do we draw strength from the Lord?  

  • Set our Hope in the Lord in 3 ways: Isaiah 40:31

i.Perspective: Looking up confidently to God’s character Nehemiah 1:5

Isaiah 40:26 (Lift up your eyes to look to heavens: who created all these?)  

  • God’s unchanging nature - Love, Wisdom, Power
  • Eternal perspective (an eagle’s-eye view)

ii.Prayer: Praying earnestly for God’s intervention Nehemiah 1:4; 4:4-9 Isaiah 40:28 (He gives strength to the weary…)

  • Exchanging our weaknesses and weariness for His strength Ephesians 3:16
  • Listening and watching eg 40-day Prayer and Fast Psalm 138:3

iii.Patience: Waiting patiently on God’s timing Nehemiah 2:1-4,8 Isaiah 40:31 (soar on wings  like eagles)

  • Eagles wait to catch a good strong wind thermal to soar
  • God is working behind the scene
  • His timing and outcome is the best and perfect


  1. Accomplishing super ordinary tasks with supernatural power (running and not grow weary) Isaiah 40:31 Nehemiah 6:15
  2. Walking victoriously in faith with the Lord in daily life (walk and not be feign) Isaiah 40:31  



  1. How have you been drawing strength from God in your current situation and daily living?
  2. What are your main obstacles?
  3. How will you prepare yourself for the coming ‘40-day prayer and fasting’ month?

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