A. Is Jesus Lord of my life?

Theme : Lessons on Christian Living : Chapter 1 Putting Christ First

Topic : Is Jesus Lord of my life?

Key Verse : Matthew 6:33

But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,  and all these things shall be added to you. 


The past weeks’ messages were to enable us to talk of the One who is not only the Lord of the universe, but also the Lord of our lives. Besides talking, how do we live out the Lordship of Jesus? What does this journey of Christ’s Lordship look like?

  • Kingdom of God = the rule/authority of God (not a place)
  • Seek God’s righteousness = to seek the rule of God in my inner character

1 Why is Jesus the Rightful Lord of my life?

- Because of who He is 

  • My Creator (compare...Lord God Genesis 2:4 and ...God Genesis 1)
  • My Provider Genesis 1:29, 2:16, 17
  • My Sin-bearer and Deliverer Luke 1:74, 75
  • My Judge John 5:22
  • Because without making Him Lord, our spiritual journey with God cannot begin.
  • Abraham: God spoke to him only after he obeyed and left Us
  • Moses: God was angry when Moses took His command casually at the beginning but called him friend only later in life when he was obedient Exodus 4:14, 33:11
  • Paul: Jesus called Paul, who replied...Who are you, Lord? Acts 9:5
  • Our own salvation requires us to confess Jesus is Lord Romans 10:9

1 Why is Jesus the Rightful Lord of my life?

-Because without making Him Lord, our spiritual journey with God cannot begin.

  • Abraham: God spoke to him only after he obeyed and left Ur
  • Moses: God was angry when Moses took His command casually at the beginning but called him friend only later in life when he was obedient Exodus 4:14, 33:11
  • Paul: Jesus called Paul, who replied...Who are you, Lord? Acts 9:5
  • Our own salvation requires us to confess Jesus is Lord Romans 10:9

1 Why is Jesus the Rightful Lord of my life?

-Because without making Him Lord, this spiritual journey on earth cannot work.

  • In relating with others, we would choose man’s applause instead of God’s approval. Result: we become hypocrites (actors) in giving, praying and are unforgiving Matthew 6:1-15
  • In relating To God, we would choose to be showy instead of cultivating our inner life. Result: we fast to be seen by others Matthew 6:16-18
  • In relating to our daily needs, we would choose to accumulate treasures on earth instead of treasures in heaven. Result: what we treasure in our hearts Matthew 6:19-21, darkens our spirit v22-23 and enslaves our will v24.

2 How I perform in my Lordship test depends on the choice I make ahead of time.

-Do good people do bad things? Some examples of those who were tested:

  • King Saul failed the test of waiting for his spiritual leader Samuel 1 Samuel 13:8 and acted foolishly out of disobedience 1 Samuel 13:1-13 
  • David failed when tempted with forbidden pleasure (having forgotten God’s goodness, despised God’s commandments 2 Samuel 12:7-10) after receiving power as king. He said, I have sinned against the Lord 2 Samuel 12:13
  • Job was tested in sufferings. He did not blame God but said, I repent in dust and ashes...Job 42:6-8
  • Paul was tested by imprisonment Philippines 1:12-14, possible death 1:21-23, enemies in the church 3:18-21, disagreements among church members 4:2-3, yet he said, I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances 4:11-13


Can I predict how I will perform in my Lordship test?

Yes, by evaluating the depth of my relationship with the Lord Jesus through:

a) Choices - Do the daily choices I make exalt the Lord Jesus or exalt self? 

b) Sacrifices - What kind of sacrifices must I make to obey His commands?

c) Time - What proportion of time do I spend with Him in meditating His Word and prayer? 

  • Choose one to apply this week.

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