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BCT Core Values 恩慈价值观
Lesson 1: Making our Core Values Effectual 使我们的核心价值观有效
1.Introduction 前言 (10:22)
2. Three Importances of Core Value 核心价值的三个重要性 (12:17)
3.1. Align With Jesus’ Heartbeat 与耶稣的心意对齐 - My (true) identity 我的身份 (19:20)
3.2. Align With Jesus’ Heartbeat 与耶稣的心意对齐 - My Vision 我的异象 (6:06)
4.1. Effect daily transformation into Jesus’ Likeness 每日有效的转变成耶稣的形像? (15:50)
Lesson 2: I am caught by the vision (to be fruitful) 我让异象掌管(多结果子)
1. Review 复习 (6:44)
2. Video: Raising Spiritual Generations of Disciples (17:00)
3. Key Verse 关键经文 (2 Corinthians 4:7 哥林多后书 4:7) (6:20)
4.Introduction 前言 (3:42)
5.1. Understand the Birth of the Vision 了解异象的诞生 (15:31)
5.2. Treasure the Vision through Living out 通过活出珍惜异象 (12:47)
5.3. Fulfil the Vision through Transmitting 通过传递实现异象 (4:32)
6. Prayer 祷告 (6:08)
7. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:25)
Lesson 3: I Am Committed to Cell Life 委身于细胞小组生命
1. Review 复习 (13:02)
2. Video: Power of Cell life (10:30)
3. Key verse & Introduction 关键经文 & 前言 (3:05)
4.1. I Am Committed to Make Sure my Election 我致力于 确保我的拣选坚定不移 (8:34)
4.2. I Am Committed to Function in Body life 我致力于 在全体生活中发挥作用 (4:42)
4.3. I Am Committed to Purpose through Cell life 我致力于 通过细胞小组生命实现目标 (5:43)
5. Prayer 祷告 (4:52)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:34)
Lesson 4: I am a Disciple (& I make disciples) 我是 门徒 – 造门徒
1. Review 复习 (9:08)
2. Introduction & Video 前言 & 影片 (14:42)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (7:01)
4.1. What a Privilege! 特权 (6:29)
4.2. What great Benefits! 伟大的利益! (10:29)
4.3. What should I do? 我的回应 (13:11)
5. Prayer 祷告 (7:48)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:42)
Lesson 5: I am passionate about Spiritual disciplines 我对属灵操练充满激情
1. Review 复习 (17:31)
2. Introduction & Video 前言 & 影片 (2:13)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (1:40)
4.1. I am designed to hear GOD’s voice. 我的设计 - 听到上帝的声音 (14:38)
4.2. I make time/space for spiritual disciplines. 我的委身 – 时间与空间 (18:00)
4.3. I benefit from taking personal responsibility. 我个人的责任 – 利益 (9:39)
5. Prayer 祷告 (5:30)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:54)
Lesson 6: I am submitted to spiritual Authority 我降服于属灵的掌权
1. Review 复习 (14:12)
2. Introduction & Video 前言 & 影片 (11:14)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (1:54)
4. 1. I Submit myself under Authority 降服的真义 (18:04)
4. 2. I Reap the Benefits of Submission 降服的成果 (6:31)
4.3. I position myself to receive GOD’s grace under authority 降服的管道 (13:58)
5. Prayer 祷告 (7:43)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:49)
Lesson 7: I Value Life-long Relationships 我珍惜终身的关系
1. Review 复习 (16:18)
2. Introduction & Video 前言 & 影片 (7:26)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (4:31)
4. Introduction (9:02)
5.1. What are life-long relationships? 什么是终身的关系? (10:16)
5.2. What are benefits of life-long relationships? 终身关系的好处是什么? (6:42)
5.3. How to stay in life-long relationships? 如何选择终身的关系? (17:44)
6. Prayer 祷告 (4:04)
7. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (1:06)
Lesson 8: I must be Equipped for Battle 我必须为战斗而装备
1. Review 复习 (7:52)
2. Introduction & Video 前言 & 影片 (3:47)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (3:06)
4.1. Why must I be equipped for battle? 为何要为战斗而装备? (17:51)
4.2. How shall I be equipped? 如何装备? (27:38)
5. Prayer (3:38)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:46)
Lesson 9: I will raise up the next Generation 我会培养下一代
1. Review 复习 (3:50)
2. Introduction and Prayer 前言 & 祷告 (5:38)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (2:19)
4.1. I must Visualize my future generation 我必须仰望我未来的一代 (24:39)
4.2. I must Desire the blessings of raising the future generation 我必须渴望建立我未来一代的祝福 (10:14)
4.3. I will Participate in raising the next generation 我将参与培养下一代。 (7:07)
5. Prayer 祷告 (4:10)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (1:16)
Lesson 10: I will Reproduce Leaders 我要繁殖领袖
1. Review 复习 (4:33)
2. Introduction and Prayer 前言 & 祷告 (5:43)
3. Key verse 关键经文 (3:59)
4.1. Who does GOD choose to be leaders? 上帝要怎样的领袖 ? (15:26)
4.2. What model does GOD give for leaders? 上帝给领导者什么模型? (26:17)
5. Prayer 祷告 (5:47)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (1:26)
Lesson 11: I will Extend the Witness of my Church 我要延长教会的见证
1. Review 复习 (6:17)
2. Key verse 关键经文 (1:24)
3. Introduction and Prayer 前言 & 祷告 (12:57)
4.1. Three Questions the Church needs to Examine at all times 教会要时时省察的三个问题 (14:25)
4.2. Church is an Ekklesia 教会是召会 (6:48)
4.3. The Reasons for the Church not Growing? 教会有什么理由可以不成长? (11:10)
5. Prayer 祷告 (6:26)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (1:52)
Lesson 12: I will Accomplish my church goals 我将 完成我教会的目标
1. Review 复习 (6:52)
2. Key verse and Prayer 关键经文& 祷告 (10:51)
3. Introduction and Video 前言 & 录像 (2:22)
4.1. I Accept my Church Goals 接受教会的目标 (6:35)
4.2. I Adopt my Church Strategy 领受教会的策略 (13:27)
4.3. I Act on my Church Goals 行出教会的目标 (15:35)
5. Prayer 祷告 (4:56)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:45)
Session 13: I will Invest TIME for the Great Commission 我将会投资时间在大使命
1. Review 复习 (7:58)
2. Key verse and Prayer 关键经文& 祷告 (2:52)
3. Introduction 前言 (8:08)
4.1. God’s perspective on Time 神对时间的观点 (23:38)
4.2. Man’s perspective on Time 人对时间的观点 (10:03)
4.3. Your Choices matter (Heaven / Hell) 您的选择(天堂 / 地狱) (5:12)
5. Prayer 祷告 (5:04)
6. Small Group Discussion: 小组讨论 (0:37)
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4.3. I Act on my Church Goals 行出教会的目标
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