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School of Discipleship (201) 门徒学校(201) English/英语
Lesson 1: Be a glorious witness for the Lord 第一课 为主作荣耀的见证
Introduction 前言: (7:24)
1. Witnessing is to share what God has done to me 作⻅证是分享上帝在我身上的作为 (5:00)
2. Why should we testify for the Lord? 为什么要为主作⻅证? (7:43)
3. Examples of witnessing in the Bible 圣经中作⻅证的榜样 (3:43)
4. How to bear witness of salvation? 如何作得救⻅证 ? (4:07)
5. Prepare to witness Anytime, Anywhere? 如何作得救⻅证 ? (4:19)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享 (4:19)
Lesson 2: Who is my Lord 谁是我的主人
Introduction 前言: (6:32)
A. People who don’t know God, who will be his master? 不认识上帝的人,谁是他的主人? (6:30)
B. A disciple is someone who makes Christ the master ⻔徒就是让基督作主的人 (4:11)
C. Examples in the Bible 圣经中的榜样 (3:56)
D. Why did the disciples fail to fully let Christ be the master? ⻔徒无法完全让基督作主的原因为何? (5:22)
E. How to make Christ our true Lord? 如何让基督成为我们真正的主? (8:04)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享 (0:56)
Lesson 3: Introduction to Happiness Group 幸福小组概论
Introduction 前言: (10:52)
1. Strategic advantages of Happiness Group 幸福小组的策略优势 (8:03)
2. Happy Group schedule 幸福小组的期程 (2:19)
3. Happy Group weekly process 幸福小组每周流程 (2:48)
4. The secret of Happiness Group success 幸福小組成功的秘訣 (10:25)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享 (0:47)
Lesson 4 The Analysis of Happiness Theater 2.0 幸福剧场 2.0
Happiness Theater 2.0 幸福剧场 2.0 (61:23)
The Analysis of Happiness Theater 2.0 分析幸福剧场 2.0 (37:09)
Lesson 5 Gospel and the Holy Spirit 福音与圣灵
Introduction 前言: (7:09)
1. Evangelism is the life's mission of the disciples 传福音是门徒一生的使命 (4:23)
2. Why did some disciples preach the gospel without effect? 为何会有门徒传福音没有果效? (5:26)
3. The power of the Holy Spirit is the power of the gospel 圣灵的能力就是福音的能力 (5:32)
4. How to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to spread the gospel? 如何倚靠圣灵的能力传福音? (6:20)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享 (0:58)
Lesson 6 Building a Prayer life 建立祷告生活
Introduction 前言: (8:48)
1. What is the prayer life? 什么是祷告生活? (5:31)
2. Build a prayer life with the word of God 以上帝的话建立祷告生活 (8:15)
3. The blessings of prayer life 祷告生活带来的祝福 (7:59)
4. Become an intercessor 成为代祷者 (8:33)
Lesson 7 Learning to Love God's Word 爱慕上帝的话
Introduction 前言: (13:18)
1. What kind of book is the Bible? 圣经是怎样的一本书? (5:31)
2. How important is the Bible to me? 圣经对我有何重要性? (7:19)
3. What are the wrong attitudes and ways of reading the Bible? 什么是错误的读经态度与方式? (7:10)
4. How to shape my life with the Bible? 如何以圣经塑造我的生命? (15:21)
5. The benefits of loving God's words 爱慕上帝的话带来的益处 (9:42)
6. Practical 实际应用 (2:21)
Lesson 8 Blessed Cell Group Life 美好的小组生活
Introduction 前言: (8:10)
1. What is Cell group life? 什么是小组生活? (8:05)
2. The benefits of Cell group life 小组生活所带来的益处 (6:39)
3. The model of Cell group life in the Bible 圣经中小组生活的典范 (3:31)
4. How to live a Cell group life? 要如何过小组生活? (8:14)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享. (0:36)
Lesson 9 From Obedience to Blessing 从顺服到蒙福
Introduction 前言: (10:30)
1.The Lord's disciples should completely obey the Lord 一、主的⻔徒应当完全顺服主 (8:12)
2.The purpose of the Lord's establishment of spiritual authority 二、主设立属灵权柄的目的 (6:06)
3.The Biblical examples of obedience to spiritual authority 三、圣经中顺服属灵权柄的榜样 (8:41)
Review 复习 (5:41)
4.The reasons for the inability to submit to spiritual authority? 四、无法顺服属灵权柄的原因? (4:16)
5.How to submit to spiritual authority? 五、如何顺服属灵的权柄? (2:52)
6.What blessings does obedience bring? 六、顺服带来哪些祝福? (5:46)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享. (0:26)
Lesson 10 The Disciple's Core Value 门徒的价值观
Introduction 前言: (6:42)
1. The Disciple's Core Value ⻔徒的价值1. What are the valuesbefore people believe in the Lord? 一、人信主前的价值观是什么? (9:49)
2. What is the heavenly value of a disciples? 二、⻔徒的属天价值是什么? (8:56)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享 1 (0:51)
3. How to transform from worldly value to heavenly value? 三、如何从属地价值转换为属天价值? (16:23)
4. What blessings will the disciples bring when they practice heavenly values? 四、⻔徒实践属天价值会带来什么祝福? (7:41)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享.2 (0:51)
Lesson 11 Maturity of a Disciple 性格成熟的门徒
Introduction 前言: (10:59)
1. What is personality? 一、什么是性格? (9:24)
2. The impact of immature personality? 二、不成熟性格带来的影响? (3:53)
3. Personality characteristics of a mature disciples 三、成熟⻔徒的性格特征 (2:00)
4. How to have a mature character? 四、如何拥有成熟的性格? (8:06)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享. (0:44)
Lesson 12 Disciples’ family core value 门徒的家庭观.pdf
Introduction 前言: (8:04)
1. God sets up a family to make people happy 一、上帝设立家庭使人得福 (5:08)
2. Looking at the role of the family from the Bible 二、从圣经看家庭的⻆色 (5:44)
3. Healing and restoration of family relationship 三、 家庭关系的医治与恢复 (12:17)
4. Leading my family to believe in the Lord is my responsibility 四、带领家人信主是我的责任 (10:02)
Small Group Discussion 小组信息分享. (1:11)
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1. God sets up a family to make people happy 一、上帝设立家庭使人得福
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