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Happiness Group Leaders' Training 幸福小组组长培训
Building a Blessed Church 建立一个幸福教会
1. Calling & Commission of the Church 教会的呼召和差遣 (66:29)
2. The Value of the Gospel 福音的价值 (72:23)
3. Unleashing the Power of the Gospel 释放福音的大能 (93:16)
4. Winning People through Happiness Groups 得人的幸福小组 (98:26)
Revised Sessions
1. A Gospel Driven Church 福音导向的教会 (38:39)
2. Building A Gospel Driven Church 建立一个福音导向的教会 (33:02)
3. Unleashing the Power of the Gospel 释放 福音的大能 (33:48)
4. Value of the gospel 福音的价值 (40:56)
5. Power of Faith 信心的能力 (42:33)
6. Winning People Happiness Groups 得人的幸福小组 (45:01)
7. Gospel and the Holy Spirit福音与圣灵 (29:18)
8. Truth Versus Culture in the Church 真理与文化 note (65:56)
9. The Glorious Church 荣耀的教会 (72:44)
10. Online Happiness Group 如何進行線上幸福小組 (73:31)
Happiness group secret practices 幸福小組實作秘笈
How to invite BEST 如何邀约 BEST (43:02)
How to guide BEST to be baptized? 如何引導 BEST 受洗? (33:11)
Admim & Planning
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3. Unleashing the Power of the Gospel 释放福音的大能
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