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Lessons on Christian Living 基督教生活的课程
Session 1:The Lordship of Christ 基督的主权
1. Overview of the Course 课程概述 (8:19)
2. Introduction and Key scriptures 引言和关键经文 (9:44)
3.1. Surrendering to Christ's Lordship 降服在基督的主权 (27:01)
3.2. The exemplary life of the apostle Paul 使徒保罗的模范生命 (3:34)
3.3. Reasons Living under Christ's Lordship 生活在基督主之下的原因 (10:20)
4. Prayer 祷告 & 5. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (7:58)
Session 2: Obedience 順服
1. Introduction and Key scriptures 引言和关键经文 (2:56)
2.1. What is Obedience 什么是顺服 ? (18:56)
2.2. What is our basis of Obedience 我们顺服的基础是什么 (9:41)
2.3. Disobedience 不顺服 (5:21)
2.4. Why we need to Obey 为什么我们需要顺服 (10:20)
2.5. How to grow our Obedience 如何培养我们的顺服性 (11:40)
3. Prayer 祷告 & 5. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (3:11)
Session 3: Word 神的话
1. Introduction and Key scriptures 引言和关键经文 (7:53)
2. 1. Begin with the right attitudes 已正确的态度开始 (8:08)
2.2. Follow through with 3-step actions for significant life-change 跟进三个步骤,让生命有重大的改变 (14:41)
2.3. Application - How does it work for me? 应用 - 它对我有何作用? (6:30)
3. Examples of how we can walk in the words of God 我们如何行在神的话中的例子 (5:08)
4. Prayer 祷告 & Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (3:05)
Session 4: Prayer 祷告
1. Introduction and Key scriptures 引言和关键经文 (7:25)
2.1. What is Prayer ? 什么是 祷告 ? (6:22)
2.2. Who is Involved ? 谁参与其中 ? (8:07)
2.3. Why Pray ? 为什么 祷告 ? (18:39)
2.4. How to Pray ? 如何 祷告 ? (13:21)
2.5. Where do I Pray ? 我在哪里祷告 ? (1:16)
2.6. When to Pray ? 什么时候祷告 ? (3:57)
3. Prayer 祷告 & Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (4:04)
Session 5: Cell life/Fellowship 细胞小组
1. Introduction and Key scriptures 引言和关键经文 (14:50)
2.1. Rejoice: The Gift of Joy in Christ 喜悦:在基督里喜乐的礼物 (13:22)
2.2. Restore: Finding Healing and Wholeness in Christ 恢复:在基督里寻找治医治和完整 (7:15)
2.3. Renew: The Power of Cell Life and Christian Fellowship 更新:细胞生命的力量和基督教团契 (4:52)
3. Prayer 祷告 & Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (4:25)
Session 6: Witnessing 见证与分享福音
1. Review 复习 (3:26)
2. Introduction and Key scriptures 引言和关键经文 (8:40)
3.1. Calling is for sending 呼召是为要差遣 (17:59)
3.2. What does absolute faithfulness mean? 忠心是什么意思? (12:15)
3.3. Parables Jesus gave about the end time 耶稣末世的比喻 (25:50)
6.4. Prayer & Small Group Discussion 祷告&小组讨论 (6:20)
Session 7: Worship 敬拜
1. Introduction 引言 (3:22)
2. Key Passage 关键经文 (3:23)
3. Outline of message 讲道大纲 (3:23)
4.1. How does a Heart of Worship look like ? 敬拜之心是什么样子的? (15:13)
4.2. Where should we worship God? 我们应该在哪里敬拜上帝? (8:53)
4.3. Why worship God ? 为什么要敬拜上帝? (4:04)
4.4. What are the Benefit and Blessings of Worshipping Him ? 敬拜神有什么好处和祝福? (4:48)
4.5. How to worship Him? 如何敬拜祂? (12:43)
5. Examine our Hearts 省察我们的心 (5:15)
6. Prayer 祷告 (1:33)
7. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (0:31)
Session 8: Discipleship 造门徒
1. Introduction 引言 (1:03)
2. Key Passage 关键经文 (3:59)
3.1. The Call to Discipleship 造门徒的呼召 (15:27)
3.2. The Cost of Discipleship 造门徒的代价 (5:33)
3.3. The Characteristics of Discipleship 造门徒的特征 (23:55)
4. Prayer 祷告 (3:01)
5. Small Group Discussion 小组讨论 (0:39)
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1. Review 复习
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