The Course

Ever wondered how the age-old practice of discipleship can profoundly influence your personal and spiritual growth? Dive into the rich traditions and contemporary applications of being a disciple and making disciples within a community. This journey unpacks the dynamic process of learning, growing in faith, and embracing accountability through the lens of discipleship. You'll discover the foundations of mentorship, the value of spiritual relationships, and the transformative power of living out your beliefs in everyday life.

This isn’t just another lecture series; it’s an invitation to a life-altering adventure. By integrating biblical principles with practical life experiences, participants will learn how to apply discipleship in the modern world, fostering personal development and strong community ties. As you engage with the core subject, you'll gain skills that will empower you to mentor others and navigate life's challenges with confidence and support. Get ready to expand your horizons, enrich your spiritual life, and step boldly into a path of continuous growth through discipleship.

What you will learn

When I first put together this journey we're going to take, I was thinking about you—the newcomer, eager to grow in your faith and spiritual practice. I've meticulously designed each lesson to be both nurturing and challenging, offering you the solid foundation you need while guiding you through the transformative process of discipleship. You'll find this carefully structured, step-by-step approach not only helps you grasp the core concepts at a comfortable pace but also encourages practical application in your daily life. It's about making sure the insights and skills you gain here don't just stay as ideas, but they flourish into habits that forge a deeper connection with your spiritual community. Ready to dive in? I'm here to walk alongside you every step of the way, ensuring you get the most out of your commitment to growth.

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Your instructor: Ps David Seow

As an educator with extensive experience in spiritual mentoring and growth, David Seow has dedicated a significant part of his career to guiding individuals on their journey of faith. His background, rich in the study and practice of theological principles, has equipped him with the insights necessary to lead others through the transformative process of discipleship. David's commitment to personal development and spiritual deepening is reflected in his many years of service within various faith-based communities, where he has consistently worked to foster environments that encourage both individual and collective growth.

David's connection to the course "Growing through Discipleship" is borne out of a heartfelt conviction for the importance of nurturing one's faith through disciplined learning and reflective practice. His approach to teaching goes beyond imparting knowledge; it seeks to inspire a passion for lifelong discipleship among his students. David’s enthusiasm for the course material is matched only by his eagerness to see students emerge from the course empowered and equipped to elevate not only their personal spiritual lives but also to make a positive and lasting impact on their surroundings through the principles of discipleship.